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Bambuti Traditional Proverbs
Proverbial wisdom and ancient sayings from Africa.


A good harvest does not grow with ease; the more diligent the farmer, the more bountiful the crop. –– Uganda proverb Bambuti

 He who has not traveled thinks that his mother is the best cook in the world. – Uganda proverb Bambuti

One does not follow the footprints in the water. – Uganda proverb Bambuti

Beautiful from behind, ugly in front. – Uganda proverb Bambuti

When a man is in trouble he smokes. – Uganda proverb Bambuti

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers. – Uganda proverb Bambuti

Even the mightiest eagle comes down to the tree tops to rest. – Uganda proverb Bambuti

One should never rub bottoms with a porcupine. – Uganda proverb Bambuti

Polygamy makes a husband a double-tongued man. – Ugandan Proverb Bambuti

In the home of the coward they laugh while in the home of the brave they cry. – Ugandan Proverb Bambuti

An ugly girl does not become old at home. – Ugandan Proverb Bambuti

The best part of happiness lies is in the secret heart of a lover. – Ugandan Proverb Bambuti

A sheep does not lament the death of a goat's kid. – Ugandan Proverb Bambuti

Old men sit in the shade because they planted a tree many years before .– Ugandan Proverb Bambuti

When two elephants fight the grass gets trampled. – Ugandan Proverb Bambuti

One who keeps saying ' I will listen and obey' will be cooked with the corn cob.– Ugandan Proverb

If you climb up a tree, you must climb down the same tree. – Ugandan Proverb

 Women have no court. – Uganda proverb Bambuti

The mother's breast cannot get leprosy. – Uganda proverb Bambuti

 The mother of the big he-goat has no horns. – Uganda proverb Bambuti

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What are Proverbs and Where do the come from?

Proverbs and old sayings reveal many aspects about the cultural  traditions of a society. Proverbs originated from indigenous humble folk and handed down over the centuries, generation to generation. Many proverbs serve as cautionary tales, warnings and chastisement.

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