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Polish Proverbs, Old Sayings, Taglines, and Customary Wisdom

Inspiring Quotes and Proverbial Wisdom from Poland  about Fortune, Pride and Dignity, Time and Mortality

Lazy as a German. -- Polish Proverb

Woe to the house where the weasel is in the eggs and the dog sleeps soundly. -- Polish Proverb

Even a clock that is not going is right twice a day. -- Polish Proverb

You have a lifetime to work, but children are only young once. -- Poland Proverb

Every ass loves to hear himself bray. -- Polish Proverb

Never try to catch two weasels with one hand. -- Polish Proverb

God grant me a good sword and no use for it. -- Polish Proverb

Lazy as a German. -- Polish Proverb

The silent dog is the first to bite. -- Polish Proverb

Love enters a man through his eyes, woman through her ears. -- Polish Proverb

To live long, eat like a rabbit, drink like a bear and make love like a badger. -- Polish Proverb

As wanton and immoral as an priest in a nunnery. -- Polish Proverb

The woman cries before the wedding and the man after. -- Polish Proverb

An old mare rides as well as young filly . -- Polish Proverb

A forest is in an acorn. -- Polish Proverb

What the son has not learned, The father did not know. -- Polish Proverb

If you love him, don't lend him. -- Polish Proverb

With gold in your pocket you are wise, you are handsome, and you dance well too. -- Polish Proverb

The devil lives beneath a slattern woman's skirts. -- Polish Proverb

A bush does note grow berries in winter . -- Polish Proverb

When toads wrestle, the flies dance. -- Polish Proverb

Did hogs feed here or did Lithuanians have a feast here? -- Polish Proverb

Fish, to taste right, must swim 3 times -- in water, in butter and in wine. -- Polish Proverb

Watch the faces of those who bow low. -- Polish Proverb

The grunts of pigs never make it to heaven. -- Polish Proverb

He who has none hates those that have much. -- Polish Proverb

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What are Proverbs and Where do the come from?

Proverbs and old sayings reveal many aspects about the cultural  traditions of a society. Proverbs originated from indigenous humble folk who handed down these wise old sayings over the centuries, generation to generation. Many proverbs serve as advisory tales, wise counsel and occasionally chastisement.