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history of painters >Pre-Raphaelite
The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (PRB) The Greatest Artists of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (PRB) was founded in 1848. The most important artist was a handsome and charming painter named Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Rossetti and his chums, John Everett Millais and William Holman Hunt, rejected Neoclassical and High Renaissance art and embraced the spiritually infused works of the Early Renaissance, Byzantine Style and Gothic painters. They sought to created a new artistic style using biblical, mythological, and literary imagery as the subjects of their art-works. Their paintings often contain obscure visual symbols and secret riddles.
![]() Shakespeare whimsical LOVE quote Poster by shakespearequotes Browse through more Posters, Art & Prints at Zazzle.com The term Pre-Raphaelites refers to High Renaissance artist Raphael. Some members of the PRB referred to Raphael's work as slosh and criticized his decadent themes and lifestyle. Dante Rossetti and the other (PRB) artists embraced the artistic style of Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Paolo Veneziano, Andrea del Verrocchio and Giotto Bondone. The (PRB) felt that these specific painters infused their works with drama, piousness and spiritual meaning. John Ruskin, famous Victorian Art Critic and major influence on the PRB advised "Christian faith is a grand cathedral, with divinely pictured windows. Standing without you see no glory, nor can possibly imagine any. Nothing is visible but the merest outline of dusky shapes. Standing within all is clear and defined; every ray of light reveals an army of unspeakable splendors."
The Pre-Raphaelite
Brotherhood (PRB)
subject matter
Writers who influenced The
Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (PRB) Painters
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