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Rococo Portrait Painting

About the Rocco Movement

  Manon Balletti by Jean-Marc Nattier 1685 – 1766 French, Rococo

The Art of Frivolity



Key Descriptive Words and Phrases associated with the Rococo  Movement -   Late Baroque, tapestry, Charlottenburg Palace, Versailles, 18th century, France, colloquialism, Louis XV's reign, frills, powdered wigs, masks, whimsy, garish makeup, men in high heels, cherubs, elaborate recipes, pre-revolution,  rediscovery of the classical world, Château de Chantilly, melodramatic, decorative,  Age of Discovery, axonometric drawing, curiosity about the natural world,  pastel colors,  romanticized landscapes, courtship themed paintings



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Key Painters of the Rocco Movement
Pompeo Batoni
Bernardo Bellotto
Francois Boucher
Jean-Baptiste Chardin

Jean-Honoré Fragonard
Thomas Gainsborough
Francisco de Goya
Thomas Hudson
Jean-Marc Nattier
Joshua Reynolds
Paul Sandby
Jean Antoine Watteau