
Satan in Art History

The Various Names of Satan in The Bible

Prince of Tyrus found in Ezekiel 28:2

Apollyon found in Revelation 9:11

Satan found in Job 1:6

The Devil found in Matthew 4:1

The Enemy found in Matthew 13:39

Father of All Lies found in John 8:44

King of Babylon found in Isaiah 14:4

Lucifer found in Isaiah 14:12

That Old Serpent found in Revelation 12:9 and 20:2

Prince of the Power of the Air found in Ephesians 2:2

Prince That Shall Come found in Daniel 9:26

Rulers of the Darkness of this World found in Ephesians 6:12

Serpent found in Genesis 3:1

Son of Perdition found in John 17:12 and Thessalonians 2:3

The Tempter found in Matthew 4:3

The Wicked One found in Matthew 13:19

Beelzebub found in Matthew 12:24 Mark 3:22 Luke 11:15

Abaddon found in Revelation 9:11

The Accuser of Our Brethren found in Revelation 12:10

Belial found in Corinthians 6:15

The Adversary found in I Peter 5:8


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