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What are Proverbs and Where do the come from?

Proverbs and old sayings reveal many aspects about the cultural  traditions of a society. Proverbs originated from indigenous humble folk who handed down these wise old sayings over the centuries, generation to generation. Many proverbs serve as advisory tales and wise counsel

Serbia Proverbs, Old Sayings and Customary Wisdom 
Inspiring Quotes and Proverbial Wisdom from Serbia about Fortune, Pride and Dignity, Time and Mortality

There's no quiet child nor young grandmother. -- Serbian Proverb

A dirty shoe still fits in a clean boot. -- Serbian Proverb

A thorn pierces young skin more quickly than old. -- Serbian Proverb

Who has wine for dinner, he has water for breakfast. -- Serbian Proverb

He who is on fire is not troubled by the smoke. -- Serbian Proverb

A portly woman is always the best cook. -- Serbian Proverb

A beaten man accepts what he is given. -- Serbian Proverb

Build the barn before you buy the cow. -- Serbian Proverb

A penny-pinching father has thieves for children. -- Serbian Proverb

Do not swat a mosquito with a sword. -- Serbian Proverb

To know the path ahead, ask those returning. -- Serbian Proverb

Trust but verify. -- Serbian Proverb

European proverbs

Middle Eastern proverbs

Africa proverbs

Asian proverbs

Yiddish Proverbs

If you feel you have worthwhile information you would like to contribute we would love to hear from you. We collect proverbs and old sayings from folks all over the globe and appreciate your participation. When submitting please, if possible, site the source and provide English translation. Email to