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Principle Artists Associated with the  the Sienese School of Painting


Examples of Sienese painting (click to Enlarge)

Important Italian Painters of the  Sienese School Listed Alphabetically

Taddeo di Bartolo (1362-1422) Italian, Sienese, Early Renaissance

Giovanni Antonio Bazzi (1477-1548) Italian, Sienese, High Renaissance

Domenico di Pace Beccafumi 1486-1551) Italian, Sienese, Renaissance

Duccio di Buoninsegna (1255-1319) Italian, Sienese, Early Renaissance

Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia (1403-1483) Italian, Sienese, Early Renaissance

Sano di Pietro (1406-1481) Italian, Sienese, Early Renaissance

Ambrogio Lorenzetti (1290-1348) Italian, Sienese, Early Renaissance

Pietro Lorenzetti (1280-1348) Italian, Sienese, Early Renaissance

Coppo di Marcovaldo (1225-1274) Italian, Sienese, Early Renaissance

Simone Martini (1280-1344) Italian, Sienese, Early Renaissance

Lippo Memmi (1285 -1361) Italian, Sienese, Early Renaissance

Giovanni di Paolo (1399-1482) Italian, Sienese, Renaissance

Sassetta (1394-1450) Italian, Sienese, Early Renaissance

Sodoma (1477-1548) Italian, Sienese, High Renaissance


While Byzantine art is stormy and rigid, Sienese painting is  youthful, lovely, and graceful. The prevailing characteristic being slender, supple grace. It seems as if the stone vaults of the churches had suddenly become transparent, and the eyes gazed upwards towards heaven, where tender ethereal beings, singing and praising the Highest, lived in eternal youth and lovingly gazed down upon mankind. Early Sienese Painters explored a mystical path that led to a new world of beauty and spirituality. They became renown for a lyricism and sensitivity to color that became the foundation of Sienese painting.

The greatest examples of Sienese painting are housed in the famous Civic Museum inside the Palazzo Pubblico overlooking the Piazza del Campo. The Palazzo Pubblico was built in the early 1300s by the Government of Nove. It is a masterpiece of  medieval urban architecture. In the Great Council Hall there are extraordinary frescoes by Martini depicting a beautiful Maestą and next door, in the Hall of Nine there is the amazing fresco cycle by Ambrogio Lorenzetti showing the Allegory and Effects of Good and Bad Government.

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