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James Whistler (1834 - 1903) American, Tonalist


Humorous Art Quotes by the famous American, Tonalist painter James McNeill Whistler

"You shouldn't say it is not good. You should say, you do not like it; and then, you know, you're perfectly safe." -- James McNeill Whistler

"An artist is not paid for his labor but for his vision." -- James McNeill Whistler

"If other people are going to talk, conversation becomes impossible." -- James McNeill Whistler

"People will forgive anything but beauty and talent. So I am doubly unpardonable." -- James McNeill Whistler

"You shouldn't say it is not good. You should say, you do not like it; and then, you know, you're perfectly safe." -- James McNeill Whistler

"I maintain that two and two would continue to make four, in spite of the whine of the amateur for three, or the cry of the critic for five." -- James McNeill Whistler

"An artist's career always begins tomorrow." -- James McNeill Whistler

"I am not arguing with you - I am telling you." -- James McNeill Whistler

“I can't tell you if genius is hereditary, because heaven has granted me no offspring.” James Abbott McNeill Whistler

“The vast majority of English folk cannot and will not consider a picture as a picture, apart from any story which it may be supposed to tell” James Abbott McNeill Whistler

“The rare few, who, early in life have rid themselves of the friendship of the many” James Abbott McNeill Whistler

“To say to the painter that Nature is to be taken as she is, is to say to the player that he may sit on the piano” James Abbott McNeill Whistler

“I maintain that two and two would continue to make four, in spite of the whine of the amateur for three, or the cry of the critic for five.” James Abbott McNeill Whistler

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